experimental audio generation tool
Song Layerer is an small Node.js-based tool I made for experimental audio composition. Inspired by [Every Recording of Gymnopédie 1](, this tool time-stretches multiple audio tracks to a uniform duration and layers them together, creating unique soundscapes. Key features include: - Automatic download of top search results from YouTube - Support for user-selected audio files - Time-stretching capabilities to match all tracks to the longest duration - Layering of multiple audio files into a single output The tool offers flexibility in input, allowing users to either download tracks based on a search query or use their own audio files. It provides options to customize the number of tracks and exclude specific keywords from the search results. While the tool doesn't guarantee a harmonious result, it opens up possibilities for creative audio experimentation. Try fine-tuning the input selection to improve output quality, removing artifacts or outliers as needed. _Stack used: Node.js, ffmpeg, yt-dlp, Rubberband. Hosted on GitHub._
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